Photo Credit: Bevy Smith/Instagram

On Sherri Shepherd’s new show, during a segment about sending nudes, Bevy Smith revealed that she has a sex tape from when she was in her 20s. And when the audience responded in shock, she said “Enough with your judgment,” and continued her story. She said she was in the best physical shape of her life and begged whoever she did the tape with to please release it. Interesting enough, Sherri said she sends nudes to her friends all the time… her female friends that is. And she says they ask her to please stop. She says they’re people she’s known for a long time but said the one from her in her 20s, that’s what she wants leaked. She and Bevy said they’re going to Kris Jenner their own selves.

As discussed earlier in the segment, a significant amount of the population has admitted in recent polling about sending nudes and recording sex tapes. A third of respondents in a survey run by OnePoll in partnership with Avast Photo Vault, a third of respondents admitted to sending nudes in the past. About 43% said that nudes were considered taboo with over half wanting to change the stigma around it. We’ve reported in the past on how Meghan McCain said on The View that she would have done a sex tape if she wasn’t in the political family she’s in. She also said she believes we’ll have a president who’s had a sex tape in the near future because it’s that common.

So what do you think about Sherri Shepherd and Bevy Smith saying they want their own sex tapes and nudes from when they were younger to come out? Would you want to see them?