Photo Credit: Bill Maher/Instagram

Bill Maher just called for fat shaming on his HBO show, Real Time with Bill Maher which at face value sounds completely ridiculous and thus perfectly fitting for something that would come out of the mouth of Bill Maher. After all, a man who felt the need to be in a relationship who said on camera that even if she were in bed with him, she would get up and leave if her ex Lil Wayne called. That was former video vixen Karrine Steffans aka Supahead. But I digress and I won’t judge. Either way, Maher is a comedian. He’s said worse. He called for a recession to get rid of the president recently. Yes, always looking out for the common man. But this time he might actually have a bit of a point. Hear me out on this one.

The purpose for calling for a return to fat shaming is that Maher says obesity is responsible for a lot of health problems in America but for some reason, liberals seem afraid to address it. They’ll talk about pre-existing conditions but not the biggest elephant in the room, pun intended, obesity. He said we “eat like assholes” in American and put fried chicken and bacon on everything. No lie told there. And he says it’s done until the level of gluttony would “make my mouth cum.” Well… colorful iteration you’ve got there buddy. He went on to say that the number of deaths from mass shootings pale in comparison to the deaths and illnesses brought on from obesity. And he called these fat appeasing liberals “NRA mayonnaise.” He even cited the New York Times which says poor diet is the leading cause of mortality. He even took a jab at Weight Watchers for not being hard enough on the people who tip the scales too hard.

Now Maher made some valid points. Did he have to call for fat shaming? No. Do liberals or politicians in general need to put more focus on dieting especially since poor diet contributes largely to healthcare costs in America and well, death? Absolutely. But he’s Bill Maher. Expecting him to say anything in a polite way would be like asking Trump to put his phone down.