It’s been about a decade since Damon Dash and his ex-wife, fashion designer Rachel Roy separated and he’s now officially sick and tired of paying child support. His main ire is the 19 year old child Ava he’s paying $6,000 a month in child support for. You might remember R Kelly being in a similar situation citing how flat broke he is and whether child support should be paid to an adult, especially when facing financial hardships. You also might remember his ex saying she didn’t care if he had to get a job at Del Taco, that he’d better pay it. Well in Dash’s case, he says his income is only a mere $56,000 adjusted gross income when she makes over $500,000 a year and lives a lavish life traveling to Europe, Greece and India and therefore doesn’t need the money. He pointed out to a judge that he pays $3,666 a month for 11 year old Tallulah’s private school and has therefore stepped up plenty. And on top of that, he also wants Roy to pay him back for some of the support he’s paid. That should be interesting to see happen.

Another reason Dash wants the child support he’s bound to to stop is because he he came to a settlement with Lee Daniels last year on the Richard Pryor biopic the two were working on that fell off into development hell. His $5 million lawsuit against Daniels amounted to over $1.7 mil to be paid from 2018 through 2021 and the last thing he wants is to have his ex’ fingers to dip into that. As adults, this is something that two grown people should be able to work out as far as taking care of children without court intervention. Family planning isn’t the responsibility of the government, especially if the children aren’t being harmed. We just hope that Dash and Roy can work something out for the sake of their children and not out of the space of vindictiveness and greed.
