Photo Credit: Drew Sidora/Instagram

Real Housewives of Atlanta star Drew Sidora is currently starting another season on the show leading in with a second potential cheating scandal with her husband Ralph Pittman. This time his assistant has a text in his phone offering her husband a massage that earned him a spot in the hot seat in front of some of the other ladies where when they were finished, after calling for other male reinforcement, he said he was never doing that again.

In a recent interview with Page Six Sidora explained where she is with her husband and why she’s still on his side. “I thought we were in a better place. Then, last summer, there were some things that happened,” she told the outlet. “I went to Chicago with the kids for a while. And he ended up showing up in Chicago to say, ‘OK, I need my family back, stop playing.’”

She went on to talk about her briefly leaving Pittman saying, “I went to Chicago with the kids for a while. And he ended up showing up in Chicago to say, ‘OK, I need my family back, stop playing.’” She admitted to being “on this journey” of “getting through this particular issue of this assistant” for some time.

“Talking to Kandi and Sanya, I felt in a safe place at that time because they’re wives and I felt like they could relate and call me out if I’m tripping. But they [agreed with] how I was feeling and what was going on,” she says.

“I was just happy that they stepped up for me, that they stood their ground, because they feel like he needs to hear that this is not cool,” Sidora continues. “It just put me in a situation that I hated. I didn’t want it to be on this season, but it is just where we were in our life at that point.”

She described how she sees marriage saying, “I grew up seeing marriage. I saw them fight, I saw them make up. Marriage is not perfect, relationships aren’t easy. But if we both make a commitment, then that’s what it is. It’s just the journey of trying to get through life and trauma and triggers. And you have to be patient on both ends because I’m not always perfect. He’s not always going to be perfect … [but] we both married to stay together forever.”

One thing about Sidora is that she’s one of the younger if not the youngest castmember at the moment so naturally she’s going to be picked on. She also differs from the rest of the cast by having recent television and film credits so we’re sure there’s a tiny bit of envy and bullying going on with her. And she arguably has the hottest husband on the show who she needs to watch the other ladies around because they’d 100% pounce, probably if given the chance. We all remember the Kenya Moore/ Apollo Nida fiasco. Moore has admitted that her behavior was wrong at the time but it certainly made for good television. We’ll give her that.
