Photo Credit: Shaq Barksdale/Instagram

Shaq Barksdale’s one of the infamous sip & paint nude models that a lot of us have been seeing on social media lately that we’ve had our eye on for some time and decided to cover. A 10 year army vet, he’s both our #FitnessGoals and #ZaddyGoals. One thing models aren’t exactly known for is having personality but following him’s the exception. He’s been in Atlanta for all of about a month and already booked himself to work with Tyler Perry which says a lot because we know he only hires the best looking guys. He posted a storyboard of his life recently saying he had until the end of the year to get at least one of his life goals started and said he already had land to build on which shows he’s got the looks and enterprising.

It also appears he’s single (or so we’re assuming). He said he was tired of the #HotGirlSummer and looking for when being a wife is popular. Us too, bro, us too. And about the potentials out there looking at him, he said you’re either going to be his rock or get hit with one. Ouch. And looking at his arms he can probably throw hard, too. lol And speaking of him being enterprising, he made a post of him half naked while painting asking if anyone needed their walls painted. Listen. Listen, Linda. Linda, listen. He knew what he was doing with that one. He can cook, too. He has pics of him throwing down on the grill which is good because a man who can cook is always hot and he wrestles as well so if it’s being thrown around you like, he can do that too. wink.

Don’t forget to check out Shaq Barksdale on social media:
Instagram | Facebook