Photo Credit: Fivio Foreign/Instagram

Rapper Fivio Foreign has some serious issues rewing at home including claims of domestic violence that he’s somehow sitting on Twitter laughing about. His baby mother, Jasmine Giselle went on Instagram Live calling him a deadbeat dad, going on tour for a month and coming back without a dime for his children. “How you leave on tour and don’t leave your family a dollar? What type of sh*t is that?” she asked. Then she said his label’s crafted image of him being a family man is just that, something crafted. “This man always walks in the house and walks past his kids,” she shouted into the camera. “He don’t pay his kids no f*cking mind. He never has.”

Jasmine told of another incident where she says Fivio resorted to pulling a gun out on her after his sister held him back for trying to hit her right in front of their crying children. And what did he have to say about all of this? “My baby momz [could] never beef with me she still living in my whole crib,” followed by a laughing emoji. We’ll add that just because someone lives with you or that you spend money on, doesn’t mean you can’t mistreat them. There is such a thing called domestic violence and abuse.

He made a more mature statement to TheShadeRoom saying, “Out of respect for the mother of my children, I am going to handle this issue privately. Never have I ever been accused of not taking care of my children and my responsibilities. As an artist, I travel for work to take care of my family. I love my kids and their mother and it’s unfortunate that she’s made her frustrations with a relationship that I have with Mellow, public.”

Mellow Rackz was the short lived girlfriend Fivio had that he was with for a little over a month that Jasmine claims was a fake relationship for clout. She says the relationship was part of promo for a track with Mase and as soon as the song didn’t come out, he broke up with her and then never told her she was just being used for promo. Well he’d better hope Tekashi69 doesn’t hear about this. He’d have a field day with this info. And these accusations are pretty strong. Let’s hope he is in fact taking care of home because that’s a lot for someone to be claiming all while still living in the same house as him.
