So we try not to write about out right porn but in this case, why not? Judge as you feel necessary. Now that we got that out of the way, Macana Man’s obviously’s a good looking guy… exceptional we’d say. There’s quite a number of guys in that industry that have the equipment…. but could use a bag over their head. See: Byron Long. But he very well could have been a model. When we look at Macana Man, he reminds us of Scott Fitzgerald aka Mike Mann, a guy with equally as big of a package if not bigger who actually tried being a model before going into porn. He’s got the look by far and has actually done some photoshoots including one for Ultimate Apparel.

But the interesting story of how Macana Man got into porn is one you might want to take a seat for. Apparently he was quite the naughty teenager and his friends thought it would be funny to get him to pull his d*ck out in public. Some of us get dared to throw a bottle in the street, others to go kiss a girl, fight someone… no, he enjoyed pulling his d*ck out. In an interview on this past fall he said he enjoyed seeing the reaction he would get out of girls. Apparently they hadn’t seen a d*ck like his on someone his size. Apparently he pulled it out on the right person and has been doing porn since for the last 10 years. Now, this could have gone many different ways such as… jail. We’re not sure if he’s ever been booked on indecent exposure but, I guess most people liked the sight of it too much to say anything. Shrug.

Glitzers, check out Macana Man’s interview with and take a look at some of our favorite work of his below:
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