Photo Credit: Jake Paul/Instagram

Youtubers Jake Paul and Tana Mongeau just announced breaking up and only after 5 months of getting married. To start, Mongeau went on a 40 minute tangent on her Youtube channel spilling all the dirt about her marriage and how unhappy she’s been. She said she’s “done so much pretending” that she doesn’t care what she does at this point. She went on to say they’re both very much alike whereby they get bored easily wanting something new. At the end of the video she said she was nervous about how her husband would take it. If any normal person came home to find out their spouse spent in upwards of an hour carrying on to the internet about all the things they didn’t like about them, they’d be pretty upset, so she should probably know the answer to that.

But she went in to a lot of detail even about how her wedding was a “night of Hell.” Even for people whose wedding was less than ideal, they usually keep that to themselves. Their wedding night consisted of Paul slicing their wedding cake with a giant sword and their first kiss interrupted by someone throwing champagne on them both. The culprit got beat up later according to Paul’s brother Logan Paul. They left their wedding separately to go to their reception at Sugar Factory in a local mall. I can’t imagine a single woman who wants to have a reception anywhere in a mall. She also said their wedding night was ‘for fun and for content.’ That’s not really a good sign or at least not something to say out loud. They’re Youtubers, so it’s expected but weddings are supposed to be the one happy day for the girl and if you mess that up, it’s kind of hard to recover.

With all of that being said, this ironically occurred after 2 gay scandals on Paul’s behalf. About two weeks ago a gay porn was circulating with people saying it was Jake Paul. To make matters worse, he didn’t deny it and pretty much insinuated it was him. It was quite the scandal. Finally someone came out saying they recognized the person in the video as a porn star and that Paul likely was enjoying the attention. This is red flag #1. No woman wants to be with a guy who seems to enjoy the attention of the possibility of them being in a gay sex tape. Then there’s him announcing early 2019 that he was going to try going gay for a month. The reaction was so enraged that he issued an apology saying he didn’t mean to offend people to the extent that he did. Now this happened before he got with Mongeau and we’re sure she heard about this before choosing to be in a relationship with him, but it might be the fact that he had two very questionable gay scandals in a 12 month period that proved to be too much for her. My question is just, what happened to the honeymoon period? It’s only been 5 months. You’d think she’d be too busy to notice him getting on her nerves. They’re only “taking a break” so there’s a chance they’ll get back together.

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as Tana and I sit next to each other writing captions about taking a break we’re literally laughing at how crazy and stupid the past couple months have been and cracking jokes at how silly this all seems. i’m keeping custody of Thor but Tana unfortunately gets my Lamborghini😅 I wouldn’t change anything that happened.. we’re best friends and right now it’s best for us to focus on our lives & see what the future holds. (p.s our friends started playing sad music while we were writing these captions and we all started laughing our asses off.. this is bitter sweet but it’s what’s best for us right now) the last thing we wanna see is fan pages speculating “what happened” we truly just need a second to focus on our own lives and ourselves. luv u mongeau <3

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