Photo Credit: Lamar Odom/Instagram
Lamar Odom has a new tell all book out later this month titled Darkness to Light with a number of very telling and interesting scenarios of his baller life. Many aren’t exactly that surprising considering he’s played at the Olympics and was married to a Kardashian, but hearing him fess up to a lot of it is still jaw dropping nonetheless. Speaking of the Olympics, he played in the ’04 games in Athens, Greece to which he admitted to using a prosthetic penis to help him pass his drug test. Not only that, but he described it as a giant one. Now you might not remember but years ago a fan mentioned on Twitter that he had big hands and asked his then wife Khloe Kardashian if the old wives tale was true and with a wink, she said yes. So if he’s already big and he described the prosthetic as big, one can only wonder.
A “call from USA Basketball that a drug tester would be coming to my house in a few days to administer the screening. There was absolutely no way I was going to pass. I’d been smoking weed every day that summer. Panic set in.”
“We started googling ‘fake penises’ and studied different ways to beat a drug test.” He went on saying “After an exhaustive search we ordered a giant, rubber, black c*** to arrive the next day. I unzipped my pants and carefully slid the fake penis through the zipper hole. To get the pee to come out of the tip, I had to squeeze the shaft repeatedly.” He said he was “paranoid” while carrying the entire scheme out but did well enough to go to Greece anyway. Unfortunately, with the best of the country’s basketball players, they only got Bronze.
Also in the book, he admits to a debilitating sex addiction. You may remember he overdosed in 2015 slipping into a coma while at a brothel in Nevada. “I have been obsessed with sex for as long as I can remember,” Odom writes in the book. “I am a sex addict.” In fact, he says he’s slept with over 2,000 women. “There were too many strippers to count,” he writes. “It wasn’t a big deal, but often I would pay them. I never thought less of them.” His sex addiction lead to him cheating on Khloe. He describes getting caught as him being “shocked and embarrassed. I wanted to take it back, but you can’t. [I] wanted to hide it. But that sick sin was hard for me to hide … I had a problem.” He continued saying, “[I] ran out of porn to watch! That’s how you know when you are going a little overboard.”
His drug addiction didn’t help any either, he says. “Sex was a trigger for me to do drugs,” he tells PEOPLE. “Because you double up on [that] good feeling.” And as for that overdose, “I’m still an addict,” he admits in his book. “I still struggle … [But] I will not go into the darkness. Ever again.”
Over 2,000 women, you say, Lamar? Wonder if there’s any tapes of some of these events. And we wonder what happened to that prosthetic of his he had? Lol. Don’t forget his new book Darkness to Light is out May 28th.