Photo Credit: Mama June/Instagram

Mama June and her boyfriend Gene Doak were to be arraigned at the Macon County Courthouse Tuesday morning but chose not to show. Their attorney showed up instead and entered a Not Guilty plea on their behalf regarding the felony drug possession charges they were facing. WeTV cameras were there to catch them coming in but failed to get any footage. After last month’s drama where Gene came out telling the camera men to F off using homophobic slurs and whatnot it was probably best not to show up so as to not cause another spectacle. WeTV has offered to help Mama June but really want her in rehab. She’s shown no interest in doing that and wouldn’t even speak to her own sister outside of the courthouse last time who’s been trying to pry her away from her man as he’s largely part of the problem. And showing up to court with a man making scenes isn’t helping her case with the network that pays her.

Court isn’t Mama June’s only problem these days. Remember when we reported on what terrible shape her home was in and that she had been seen clearing it out amid neighbors complaining about it being an eyesore? Well she sold it cash for less than half of its current market value. She had a 5 bedroom 3 bath home in Hampton, Georgia that she paid about $150,000 for. Since the selling, it’s been renovated and flipped back on the market again for $225,000. And all of this has occurred in a matter of no more than a couple months. Her and her man are considering living out of an RV and traveling from here on. For someone with a daughter, that’s quite alarming. Mind you, she’s not living with her daughter, but this is quite a selfish move but when people have habits, this is what happens. And for her to have near 6 figures in cash now, that’s the most dangerous of all scenarios. We’re going to be praying for the best for her.