Photo Credit: Petersburg Solution

For those who know me personally, you know that I left DC for Trey Songz’ hometown of Petersburg, VA 3 years ago. That’s the home of BET’s College Hill that aired there about 15 years ago with Virginia State University students. Among that cast was Misster Ray from Love & Hip Hop Hollywood. I was able to speak with him in an interview this week working double duty with the community group that I helped create, Petersburg Solution.

Say what you will about Misster Ray, but he has a solid resume and has remained #BookedAndBusy legitimately working over the years and hasn’t skipped a beat since we first saw him enter Ragland Mansion filming College Hill in the 2000s. We spoke about him going back for his Masters in Media Management and his career working with and on BET, WeTV, VH1 and his corporate PR background. I also have to say that as someone who studies his subjects quite well, I was pretty confident in what I knew about Misster Ray going into this show, but he threw us curve ball announcing he’s working on a memoir. As someone who has quite an aspirational career regarding his rise from Richmond, VA with a desire to make better for himself, I’m certain this is going to be a must read.