Photo Credit: PnB Rock/Instagram
One of the first rules to fighting is to do it where no one can see it, no type of evidence and especially not in neighborhoods and areas where people like to call the police. That would include Neiman Marcus. But apparently PnB Rock missed that message. Him and his crew went to the Philadelphia area mall King of Prussia specifically with the intent of jumping a group of people with fellow rapper PnB Meen. Now it would be one thing if they just so happen to have seen them there like DaBaby beat up another rapper in I believe it was a Louis Vuitton store. Even as violent as him and his team is, they didn’t go in there with the intent of picking a fight. Even he knows better than that. You don’t go inside of Neiman’s trying to kick ass. Believe me, they will make an example out of you.
In the end, it’s all caught on camera but ironically no report of a fight has come in to the mall security but if you think him, his friend and an entourage totaling 5 people jumping 3 in an upscale retail store is going to go without punishment, you’ve got another thing coming. This all occurred as he had just celebrated coming back to his hometown and was seen on Instagram in a pic taken at Philly’s Hillcreek Projects. Maybe some of his old ways rubbed off on him being back home. Heck, who are we kidding? He was arrested in January for having stolen guns and drugs on him. Sometimes, I feel like those charges are fairly common these days. A solution needs to be showing people how to get legal guns as much as possible and people with records should not be restricted from owning a gun. We all need to protect ourselves. Beyond that, we’re moving in the direction of legalizing marijuana which we believe is what he had on him during his January arrest. So those two charges are fairly trivial by merit. The running up inside of Neiman Marcus for a fight? Come on man. I know that he’s young but take a queue from Tonya Harding. She went in a back alley to break Nancy Kerrigan’s knees. Scratch that. She sent her husband to do it and where there were no witnesses. Do better next time.