Photo Credit: R Kelly/Instagram; Joycelyn Savage/Instagram
R Kelly’s fiancee Joycelyn Savage made the stunning allegation that she was pregnant with his baby. It was made in the form of the text of her new tell all book about her relationship with Kelly, Love and Joy of Robert. Months ago she was sent an engagement ring in the mail by Kelly which is around the time she says she found out she was pregnant with his baby. She says Kelly says he’s “extremely excited about the news” and wishes he could be there for the birth of their child.
But that isn’t what Kelly’s attorney Jennifer Bonjean says is happening. She says Savage “is certainly not pregnant with R. Kelly’s child.” As for her book that Savage says Kelly has approved her writing, she says it not only is not a tell all but that “people are just insane.” Now Kelly has been behind bars for over a year and she has not explained how exactly she got pregnant by him.
Savage does, however seem to be all in on the R Kelly train still. Kelly’s other live in girlfriend that she refers to as “the other girl” in the book Azriel Clary, she says became bipolar and eventually “smeared my name all over social media” after she went back home to her family. This happened in 2020 and the two have been going back ever since. Clary so far has not responded.