Photo Credit: Boonk Gang/Twitter

We just covered rapper Boonkgang and the boy’s amazing ability to get such ridiculous amount of viral fame in such a short period of time. No one heard of him 18 months ago and now he’s a regular on Worldstar HipHop and apparently comfortable enough with himself to be posting his sex tapes left and right. The last two he did were under two weeks ago posted to his Instagram story and Twitter that we covered and bright and early this Saturday morning he’s at it again.

The video of him getting it in comes just when we’ve been wondering what he’s been up to the last couple weeks. The black woman who climbed the statue of liberty seemed to be something straight out of the Boonk Gang handbook. For those who don’t know that’s what he’s known for from stealing a tray of donuts, Beats headphones and even jewelry on camera. I guess you can say he’s on to stealing women’s cookies on camera now.

Glitzers, check out Boonk Gang’s latest sex tapes below: