Krave Moore has been gone out of the gay porn industry for some years now, bless his big d*** self. We’ve wondered what he’s been up to and contrary to what many think, it usually isn’t hard to catch up with them despite the name changes etc. many tend to go through. People who one enjoyed being in front of the camera tend to end up doing something else within the limelight.
Since stepping away we’ve come to find out he’s gotten into acting under what we assume is his legal name of DeAngelo Kearns. He just finished a two year acting class and has moved to New York to pursue a career in theater from North Carolina. He’s been in recent productions such as Winter Wonderland and Harlem Playwrights 21 festival as actor and producer as well as a number of others. He’s managed to travel the world taking pics in Paris, London, and even began competing in weightlifting competitions.
He’s put on 20 pounds of muscle weight lifting in the past 2 years and we must say it looks good on him. He was in excellent shape already when he was doing porn so that’s to be expected. No word on if he plans on returning but from his social media, he seems to be 100% into acting now. Despite missing him, we still wish him the best, just the same.
Glitzers, check out Krave Moore, now DeAngelo Kearns below and make sure you follow him on social media:
Instagram | Facebook