Photo Credit: Brave Williams/Instagram

Brave Williams song U tried It makes for today’s PopGlitz Song of the Day. The song title is pretty self-explanatory where she explained in an interview with 92Q Jams in Baltimore that she had a relationship where she chose to no longer settle. And if you watch the music video, it features a leading man letting his girl into a shop while he stands outside hitting someone else up in clear view of the public watching it all unfold.

While she didn’t give too much detail on the situation that inspired the song, her lyrics were quite descriptive. “Why she callin’ your name we sittin’ at the game? You tried it. Why you turn your face lookin’ the other way? You tried it. Tryinna wife me up but I don’t know where you stay. You tried it” all sound like she may have had quite the time or two in that relationship to write those words. In fact, she has a fitness business where she’s really gotten into shape. Whether done so consciously or not, the words of a song like this seem like inspiration to get into fighting shape like she is.

And Brave comes from one of our favorite girl groups, RichGirl alongside Sevyn Streeter which was created in the late 2000s in the fashion of Destiny’s Child by Rich Harrison, the man behind Beyonce’s Crazy in Love. From there she broke off solo and appeared on R&B Divas with fellow Bmore queen Lil Mo. And they fit together perfectly. Mo’s about 4’11 and Brave is just over 5 feet tall and both have phenomenal voices.

As a bonus we’ve added her track Options below:

And we can’t leave you without sharing the breakout RichGirl hit He Ain’t Wit Me Now (Tho) which is still at the top of my Favorites list.