by Javonni Brustow | Jan 2, 2021 | News, Uncategorized
Photo Credit: YK Osiris/Instagram Singer YK Osiris shocked fans with with Instagram Story post of him announcing that he had traded in his cars for a guess what… a Hyundai. Just three years into the industry he says he didn’t want to get too big headed. “I...
by Javonni Brustow | Sep 19, 2020 | Film & TV
Photo Credit: NeNe Leakes/Instagram NeNe Leakes and Cynthia Bailey had quite the bipolar relationship while being on the Real Housewives of Atlanta together. The former supermodel Cynthia Bailey had just moved to Atlanta with her fiance and signed a friendship...
by Javonni Brustow | Mar 9, 2019 | News
Photo Credit: Anthony DemMundo for Bethenny Frankel had court Friday in her continued battle with ex-husband Jason Hoppy for custody of their daughter Bryn. This was an expectedly emotional event given that they had a two year marriage that took nearly...