Photo Credit: R Kelly/Instagram
R Kelly doesn’t seem to be able to win for losing these days. A federal investigation of him being involved in child trafficking has kicked off with investigators landing in Atlanta to interview former employees of his, he’s under investigation in Michigan for possibly giving a 13 year old herpes and after all that hollering and screaming he did to Gayle King, it only landed him back in jail. Luckily he was able to scrape together the $161,000 in back child support he needed in order to get out of jail, but like any good drama, there’s more. And as expected, he’s not the one who made the payment this time either.
There’s a third sex tape of R Kelly and a minor that’s been found making a grand total of four tapes if you count his 2008 case. Gloria Allred got a hold of this one and we all know that she means business. Sunday, March 10th, she held a press conference in New York announcing that this new tape has been turned over to authorities in the Eastern District of New York. It was found by a man who has no connection to R Kelly or ever met him a day in his life who happened to have found it in a VHS tape collection of his. It’s what appears to be R Kelly abusing two young girls.
“To my shock and surprise, R. Kelly appeared to be on the tape, but not in concert,” the man who found the tape, Gary Dennis said. “Instead he was sexually abusing underaged African-American girls.” He went in on to say “I was disgusted and horrified when I saw that.” Allred has stated she couldn’t be “100 percent certain” it was R Kelly but it’s good enough to move forward in litigation.
Kelly’s attorney Steve Greenberg responded with a statement saying “R. Kelly denies that he is on any tape with underaged girls. The doubt here is self-evident, with reporting that the man on the tape kinda, sorta looks like R Kelly. That doesn’t make it him. It is not him.” Questioning why Dennis would be in possession of a pornographic child sex tape in the first place, he continued: “It is obviously now just open season on R. Kelly. It is irresponsible to continue to take the speculation of every Tom, Dick and Harry, and report it as if it is fact.”
TO compound things, Kelly’s ex-wife Andrea Kelly told TMZ that Kelly withheld child support payments to control her after she came out against him June of 2018. Prior to that his payments weren’t consistent. After her first child he insisted she work for him full time so after their divorce she was left without a job. Knowing that the money was needed, in essence, he paid when he felt like it over the years. Kelly has a bit of a difference recollection of events saying that after the payments stopped, she kept their children from him. He also feels she’s brainwashed them to hate him. After the last time they saw each other in 2017, a big fight happened and she changed her number and wouldn’t let him speak to their children, Kelly’s camp claims. She says instead that they have not heard from him since 2017.
One person who appears to still be in his corner is New York mayor Bill De Blasio. He visited a black church this weekend and was seen on camera flapping his arms when the choir sang I Believe I Can Fly. He immediately received national rebuke for it. While De Blasio may be a horrible mayor and as corrupt as the day is long, this should not be a scandal. Out of all else, he’s done, this shouldn’t be his focus but on the bright side, at least Kellz has at least one fan left. Updates on this story will be given as they come.