We’ve covered Steven Beck before. He was on Vivica Fox’ Black Magic show and has an amazing body. These nudes aren’t new but for those who haven’t seen them we’re sharing anyway… plus, we need to talk about this. For the life of me I will never understand the purpose of men taking pics naked amd… on soft. Unless you’re impressive in that state, no one wants to look at shrimp upon the final reveal, okay? Stop it. STOP IT. Especially Steven Beck. And most of the offending images were in Playgirl. These women should have taken to the streets with torches and burned their issues in front of their homes all across America.
All of that dancing, grinding and then you don’t have the common courtesy to at least get it up for me? No. Unacceptable. 3 demerits. He even has the nerve to have a Connectpal account that involves no nudity. So that is $15 a month to gawk at him. Then again, we can all join and maybe the money can go towards him getting hairplugs for the top. Yes, we’ve noticed. Either way, we’ve gathered the best of what’s available online to share for you.
He’s still quite a talented guy which we explained in out last article on him. We actually don’t encourage artists, models, etc. to create these Connectpal accounts. I mean, it gives us something to talk about and look at but for those with real talent or potential, this is just a cheap way of doing it and you can never take these images back. But hey… whatever.
I have one thing to say. In ONE of these images it looks pretty thick semi-hard so… there might be hope for him just yet. Maybe someone will teach him how to take nudes one of these days. Also, we’re looking for him to come out one of these days. Let’s start 2018 on a good and honest note.
Glitzers, check out Steven Beck’s nudes below and tell us what you think:
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