Photo Credit: Ty’r/Instagram

We were scrolling through Instagram and heard a song that stopped us in our tracks. It was from a male R&B singer named Ty’r with quite a stunning and sultry voice. There were definitely some kinky lyrics to the song and he sounded very much like Tank. Born Steven Ragsdale out of Chicago, he’s currently on his second EP, Sexual Dezires 2 which just came out this month and he recently performed with Avery Wilson. His Soundcloud bio says his “goal is to inspire all artist and show them that they can be whatever / whoever they want to be despite who they are as a person, and that everyone music makes a difference.” The song we picked he says is the second most streamed song from the album and we can certainly tell why.

Glitzers, check out Ty’r track Say It as today’s PopGlitz Song of the Day.