Photo Credit: Miami Dade Police Department

Recent footage of Rockets player Sterling Brown speaking to police covered in blood after getting attacked in a Miami strip club has recently been released. On April 18th he apparently was leaving the Booby Trap strip club and got into the wrong sprinter van. That’s when he was hit in the head with a bottle which is why he’s seen holding a shirt to his head to stop the bleeding that’s going from his head to his waist.

His teammate Kevin Porter Jr. is seen in the footage trying to help with the situation but ended up getting fined $50,000 for violating team health policy being in a space with more than 15 people in it. Ironically Brown wasn’t issued the same fine but then again, would you fine someone that just got violently attacked at the event where the attack occured? He was also seen limping in the footage shared by Fox Sports radio host Andy Slater.

Brown was taken into a private emergency room space at Jackson Memorial Hospital and had a number of stitches for his facial injuries and underwent several tests while there. Porter was also “roughed up” in the altercation no altercations that warranted medical treatment.
