Photo Credit: JasziLove/Twitter
The coronavius has created a new working normal for so many these days with people suddenly overnight being forced with having to figure out how to work from home. It’s a tough balance and especially those with a household of people. Someone who failed at this balance is Sacramento reporter Melinda Meza who showed a little bit more of her husband than she probably wanted to.
The segment was about doing hair at home which by now if they didn’t know how to do before, most reporters, celebrities and everyone else who has to sit in front of a camera has had to learn how to do. In the midst of trimming her bangs, apparently unbeknownst to her is her husband stark naked in the shower. He seemed pretty still for a guy showering. Maybe he sensed what was going on and thought if he remained completely still no one would notice.
And for those interested in the faceless guy in the shot, the internet detectives have already found him and determined it’s her husband of 16 years, Mike de Lambert. At least one would hope that was him. If not, that would be two incredible embarrassments for one day. So far no word from KCRA or Meza have come in. Also, no word from her husband or the mysterious man on how they feel about their national voyeurism debut.
Y’all see this naked man on #KCRA #news ? Lol
— Q U E E N. (@jASZiLOVE) April 18, 2020