Photo Credit: Omarosa/Instagram
Picture it. The year was 2015 and Omarosa was defending Donald Trump, her former boss on The Apprentice who was running for President of the United States. She jumped around cable news networks explaining how he was going to win the election, only for her to now be supporting the woman he’s running against in 2024. In a new interview with Variety Magazine, she said she is “100 percent endorsing Kamala Harris for president.” She went on to say “Donald Trump squandered the greatest opportunity he had in his life to be a consequential leader, to shape the direction of our nation and bend it toward something positive. He opted to go to the dark side.”

Omarosa pushed back on Trump’s nickname of being the Teflon Don by saying, “I wouldn’t call losing an election Teflon. Joe Biden is the president.” “Donald Trump has been defeated before, and I think what’s grating on his nerves the most is that this [next] defeat may come at the hands of a woman of color. He reserves his most vitriolic attacks for women of color,” she said about his current campaign against Vice President Kamala Harris. And she said if Harris were to win it would be a “significant milestone” for her “on a very personal level.”
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